12 Days Albertine Rift Endemics Birding Safari

Day 1: Arrival for 12-Day Albertine Rift Endemics Birding Safari

Your exciting 12-day Albertine Rift Endemics Birding Safari begins with your arrival in Entebbe. You’ll spend your first night in Entebbe at 2 Friends Hotel. Enjoy dinner and a comfortable overnight stay.

Day 2: Transfer to Kisoro

After breakfast, you’ll begin your journey towards Kisoro. Along the way, you’ll have the opportunity to birdwatch in Echuya Forest. Later in the day, you’ll reach Kisoro for dinner and an overnight stay at Travelers Rest Hotel.

Day 3: Birding in Mgahinga National Park

Your day starts early with breakfast, followed by birding in Mgahinga National Park. With a picnic lunch in tow, you’ll trek to one of Uganda’s most scenic areas. You’ll take the gorge trail, exploring various montane habitats where you can spot species like the Dusky Turtle Dove, Rwenzori Turaco, Cape Robin-Chat, and many others. Dinner and overnight stay at Travelers Rest Hotel.

Day 4: Birding to Ruhizha

After breakfast, you’ll continue your birding adventure in the Rift Valley Area. Expect to spot birds like Augur and Mountain Buzzard, Yellow-Bellied Waxbill, Dusky Crimsonwing, and Common Stonechat, among others, as you head to Ruhizha. You’ll stay at Trekker’s Tavern for two nights.

Day 5: Birding to Mubwindi Swamp

An early start awaits as you focus on finding unique birds like the beautiful leafy-looking broadbill, Black-billed Turaco, and Mountain Greenbul, among others. After a full day of birding, you’ll return to your accommodation.

Day 6: Birding to Buhoma via the Neck

Today, you’ll continue birding en route as you make your way to Buhoma in the southern part of Bwindi. Keep an eye out for various bird species on your journey. Dinner and overnight at The Gorilla Resort or Buhoma Community Bandas for two nights.

Day 7: Birding Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Explore the Bwindi Buhoma area with a focus on finding unique birds like the Pink-footed Puffback, Yellow Billed Barbet, and the elusive Regal Sunbird, among others.

Day 8: Birding to Kasese

After breakfast, you’ll leave for Rwenzori National Park, stopping to birdwatch along the way. Keep an eye out for various bird species, including the Purple-breasted Sunbird and Stripe-breasted Tit, among others. You’ll stay at the basement of Mount Rwenzori.

Day 9: Birding the Rwenzori then transfer to Fort Portal

Enjoy another morning of birding in the Rwenzori National Park before transferring to Fort Portal, where you’ll have the opportunity to find rare and localized birds.

Day 10: Birding to Semliki

After breakfast, you’ll bird to Semuliki National Park, exploring the trails around the hot springs. Keep an eye out for various bird species. Later, you’ll transfer to Bundibugyo for the night.

Day 11: Whole Day Birding on Kirumia Trail

Today, you’ll embark on a full day of birding along the Kirumia trail in Semliki National Park. Look out for birds like the Black-casqued Wattled Hornbill, Rufous Sided Broadbill, and Blue-headed Crested Flycatcher, among others.

Day 12: Birding to Entebbe

After breakfast, you’ll bird your way back to Entebbe, where your 12-day Albertine Rift Endemics Birding Safari concludes.

This unique birding adventure offers the chance to explore some of the most ecologically rich and diverse regions in Uganda, with a focus on spotting endemic and threatened bird species.

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