Tailor made Packages

Crafted to Your Preferences, Custom Experiences Create an Incredibly Enriching African Adventure Vacation.

If you seek a personalized journey, meticulously crafted to align with your unique desires and requirements, your search ends here. Tailor-made experiences promise an utterly captivating vacation, and Wild Terrain Africa boasts extensive expertise in curating tailor-made getaways to the most awe-inspiring African destinations. These custom holidays offer the ideal escape, enhanced by some of the world’s most breathtaking landscapes and wildlife. There’s nothing quite like the exhilaration of encountering mountain gorillas, elephants, zebras, impalas, and majestic big cats up close.

4 Days Ultimate Cultural And Primate Safaris

8 Days Kenya Wildlife Safari

3 Days Gorilla Tracking

6 Days Amboseli And Masai Mara Tour